SDK Installation
iOS Native

Get Started for IOS


Following are the guidelines for installing Cooee SDK onto your iOS mobile app.


CooeeSDK is fully developed using Swift language and renders UI with SwiftUI. If your project uses Objective-C language, then you have to add at least one swift file to the project, and XCode will automatically add swift configuration to your project.

Project Level

Add the following in Podfile:


Replace x.y.z with the latest release of the SDK

Document image

Configure credentials & permissions


Add the following snippet in the app level Info.plist:


Replace MY_COOEE_APP_ID & with the App ID which is present at Cooee Portal.

Permission Descriptions

The Cooee SDK uses a few permissions if granted (we do not ask explicitly). Apple requires a user-friendly description of those permissions.


Initialize CooeeSDK in your app

The final step is to add initialization code to your application

Import the CooeeSDK module in your AppDelegate file and call AppController's configure method:


That's it! Once you launch the app CooeeSDK will start tracking some default System Events